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Homemade Crock Pot Yogurt

To make Homemade Crock Pot Yogurt you just 2 ingredients and time! It is extremely easy to make and both inexpensive and absolutely delicious!!
4 from 4 votes
Prep Time 12 hours
Cook Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Total Time 14 hours 30 minutes
Course Breakfast, Dessert, Lunch, Snack
Cuisine American


  • Crock Pot with lid
  • Large towel to wrap Crock Pot overnight


  • 1 gallon whole milk
  • 1/2 cup yogurt with active, live cultures and no other additives look on label, it needs to say with "active, live cultures"


  • Pour 1 gallon of whole milk into the Crock Pot. Place lid on and turn to LOW for 2-1/2 hours.
  • After 2-1/2 hours, turn Crock Pot off and unplug it. DO NOT take the lid off, just let it sit to cool for 3 hours, undisturbed.
  • After 3 hours, gently stir the 1/2 cup of plain, yogurt with active, live cultures into the warm milk. Place lid on the Crock Pot and wrap a large towel around Crock Pot and leave overnight or 10-12 hours.
  • In the morning, take the lid off and you have yogurt. Ladle out 1/2 cup of yogurt and put it in an airtight container in the refrigerator to use in the next batch of yogurt you make.
  • ***To make thicker Greek yogurt*** Line a colander with coffee filters or cheese cloth and carefully pour yogurt into the colander placed in a bowl and let drain for 8-24 hours, covered in the refrigerator. The longer you let it drain, the thicker it will be come.


***My favorite is to let the yogurt drain for 24 hours. This yields very thick, ultra-creamy and decadent Greek yogurt. I like to serve this with fresh fruit or granola on top.***
***If you want a sweetened yogurt, add honey at the same time you add the yogurt cultures for sweetness***
Keyword Homemade Crock Pot Yogurt, Keto, Low Carb