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I put up a blog post a few days ago for Easy Low Carb Bagels. They are easy, they are low carb and they are DELICIOUS, but I didn’t really mention my love for Everything Bagels, which is what I made those into. I gave examples about what you can do with your bagel once you cut it in half, but I omitted my love of my Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning as a topping. It wasn’t intentional, but realizing I had forgotten it, then made we want to make up for my omission by doing a blog post with the recipe for making that spice concoction at home.

Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning is so correctly named. Once you taste it you know it really is EVERYTHING!!

I made those Easy Low Carb Bagels and put an egg wash on them and then sprinkled my favorite of favorites on top, Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning! The first time I tasted these special spices, it was on a sliced and toasted bagel. Just the smell of those toasting spices was intoxicating, so I was hooked that very day!

I would have to say Everything Bagel Seasoning is kind of the “it” girl of these last few years. I think she wins “Most Popular” (“it” is a girl, because I said so) by people far and wide. It is the perfect combination of salty, crunchy, and nutty. It seems to enhance everything you put it on. I obviously love it on a bagel, however my favorite avocado toast is elevated to super star status with a few shakes of this bad boy (okay, now it’s a boy….just walk with me).

Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning is quick to make and handy to have on hand!!

Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning is just 6 basic spices, but they compliment each other perfectly. I am not sure which recipe creator came up with this, but I know he/she is my kind of people! I used to go to Trader Joe’s for this, which was nowhere near me and I would have to stock up. Now, I can go to a more local store, buy the spices in bulk, save money and mix together a bigger batch and keep it fresh in a mason jar.

Making this is just a matter of combining. So, in a bowl you will mix the spices. The black sesame seeds are not always easy to find. If you don’t find them, don’t worry about it, they do taste the same as the white sesame seeds, so they are more for aesthetics than anything. Flaked salt is best because it melts nicely on the tongue and the size and shape of this salt stays in the mixture without falling the bottom as easily. You will also need dried and minced garlic and onion. Do not substitute garlic powder or onion powder. The dried onion and garlic create a wonderful, intense flavor that you have to bite down on, and the powders do not cut the mustard as a substitute on this one.

Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning
- 2 tbsp black sesame seeds
- 2 tbsp white sesame seeds
- 4 tbsp poppy seeds
- 3 tbsp dried, minced, onion flakes
- 3 tbsp dried, minced, garlic flakes
- 2 tsp flake, salt (Maldon's) *use flake salt if possible, it stays in the mixture better*
- Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix to combine and store in an airtight container.

That is it! You can even make this Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning in batches and give it away as a gift for the holidays! Try it out on things you hadn’t thought of. How about in tuna or chicken salad, or on warm hummus? Maybe on roasted fish or chicken, in salads and of course on Easy Low Carb Bagels. Enjoy friends!!

When you make Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning, what are you eager to try it on?
Hello. I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. Congratulations!
I too am a lover of everything bagels. Once I read this blog post yesterday, I dropped everything and ran out bought the ingredients. Whoa, momma!! My poor family is going to be eating this at every meal.
LOL, you cracked me up!! I am so glad you liked it!