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Last week I had posted a recipe for The Best Rolled Pizza Bread and it really is! Clearly, many of you thought the same thing because I have received so many wonderful comments from my readers about it. Thank you for letting me know you tried it and liked it as much as my family does. In the blog post about the Rolled Pizza Bread, one of the ingredients that I put onto my dough and toppings before rolling it up is my Homemade Pizza Spice Seasoning.

Homemade Pizza Spice Blend Mix is a perfect combination of herbs and spices that amp up the flavor of any Italian meal.

This is not a requirement when making the Rolled Pizza Bread, but is is a flavor combination that really intensifies the wonderful flavors of Italian cuisine. The thing I love about this Homemade Pizza Spice Blend Mix is that it is so quick to make. I often make a large container and keep it in a labeled Mason jar. If I am feeling extra efficient and on top of my game, I make a really, really big batch, divide it up and put it in Mason jars and then vacuum seal them, so that they can be stored away until I need it. The beauty of vacuum sealing it is that it stays fresh years!

All of the herbs and spices that go into this seasoning recipe are found at your local grocery store. I often shop at big box stores or order larger containers of some of these spices on the internet. This allows me to purchase them at a very significant discounted price. The rest of the herbs, I typically grow in my garden. I can then pick and dry them throughout the year, allowing me to stock my pantry with herbs that I have grown and dried myself. This makes this very low cost recipe.

If you make Pizza at home, you must make this Homemade Pizza Spice Blend Mix. It is delicious!!

To make this spice blend, you will just need to gather the herbs and spices from your pantry. Grab a measuring spoon and a bowl. Then, decide how large an batch you want to make and go from there. Once you have measured the appropriate amounts, toss the ingredients to mix and then place in an airtight container until you need it. I usually give this a quick stir before using, as the smaller spices will tend to gravitate towards the bottom when just sitting on the shelf.
Homemade Pizza Spice Blend Mix
- 2 tbsp dried thyme
- 3 tbsp dried oregano
- 2 tbsp dried parsley
- 3 tbsp granulated garlic
- 3 tbsp granulated onion
- 3 tbsp dried basil
- 2 tbsp red pepper flakes
- Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
- Store in airtight container in cupboard.

I hope you find the time to whip up a batch of this Homemade Pizza Spice Blend Mix and put it on your pizza or calzones. I like to use it in sauces or on top of cheese bread. It smells wonderful and and tastes great. I also like to sprinkle this seasoning on my Easy Low Carb Bagels before popping them into the oven and onto my Baked Ravioli Casserole. When we go camping, we pass around the Mason jar full of this spice blend and sprinkle it on top of our Dutch Oven Lasagna, it is just wonderful! Give this a try! It is a simple recipe, with a ton of flavor! Enjoy friends!
Remember to leave a *Star Rating* and tag me on your Instagram posts if you make any of my recipes. I love to see your creations!
I’m going to make pizza with this. Now I just need to know how to make pizza.